Memorial Inscriptions T-Y


Illogan MIs except  WAR MEMORIALS

transcribed by Suezan James.


Compiled by Jon Rees

TALON Horace John TALON husband of Gwen 7/10/1976 63
TANCREED Terence William Robert TANCREED 21/6/1933-15/9/1992
TANGYE lillian Jane TANGYE 7/10/1959 69
TANGYE Wilfred Augustus TANGYE master Mariner died Redruth 9/9/1913 54 also Aveva his wife 31/5/1921 no age
TANGYE Wilfred Gordon TANGYE 2/7/1961 69 also Lillian his wife 19/6/1962 69
TANK  parents grave is next to this one and is as follows.John TANK Born 25/9/1817-7/5/1887 also Nanny died 5/9/1899 aged 65
TANK Children of William and Hannah TANK  died Bridge Hannah 30/11/1876 2Yrs 7 mths also William 8/11/1877 13 months
TANK John TANK Born 25/9/1817-7/5/1887 also Nanny died 5/9/1899 aged 65
TANK joseph Henry son of John and Nanny TANK 10/5/1860 age 4 also Joseph 12/3/1862 aged 11 months also Stephen John 24/4/1862 3 also fanny catherine 1/10/1867 4
TANK William TANK 11/5/1800 71 wife Honour died age 42
TANNER William Edward TANNER 26/5/1966 69 his wife Doris May 2/10/1988 87
TAYLOR Caroline TAYLOR died at Helston 10/4/1863 27
TAYLOR Caroline wife of Thomas TAYLOR died at Helston 10/4/1863 27
TAYLOR Lily V TAYLOR 16/10/1947 60 and her husband Richard Henry 13/10/1954 75
TAYLOR Mary Jane wife of the late George Rochfort TAYLOR 1/6/1886 46 also Francis JEFFREY her sister  21/8/1863 25
TAYLOR William TAYLOR 19/4/1897 45 elizabeth his wife died Bodmin 16/6/1913 65
TEAGUE Andrew TEAGUE 18/3/1975 7 son of Patricia and Brian brother of Karen
TEAGUE Rosewall Wallace TEAGUE 19/12/1976 66 wife of Jack 4/6/1990 85
TEMBY Harry TEMBY husband of Florence 16/10/1945 55 also Florence 22/11/1971 84
TERRELL Elizabeth Ann wife of Francis TERRELL 14/10/1898 48
THOMAS 38530 private Joseph Albert THOMAS Devonshire Regiment Feb 1919 39
THOMAS Albert Henry THOMAS 1/1/1958 53 his wife Caroline Hilda 15/12/1962 58
THOMAS Albert John Clive THOMAS 16/2/1983 46
THOMAS Chrissy THOMAS 30/12/1989 82 her husband Robert John 11/11/1993 89
THOMAS Daphne beryl THOMAS 18/11/1990 42 wife of Brian mother of Karen and Sarah
THOMAS Dorothy THOMAS wife of Joseph father of Graham 3/3/1951 45 also Joseph 28/11/19744 76
THOMAS Eliza Ellen wife of  Bert THOMAS 23/5/1947 62 also Robert William 30/3/1979 84
THOMAS Emily Ann THOMAS 15/2/1917 aged 47 also husband John died May 1926 no age
THOMAS Florence Minnie THOMAS wife of Fred mother of Clifton 10/3/1971 60 also Fred 5/11/1971 67
THOMAS Francis ann THOMAS died at Barnocoose Terrace9/1/1924 75 also William 28/11/1932 85
THOMAS Fredrick Charles THOMAS 1/2/1977 62
THOMAS Fredrick THOMAS husband of Florence 22/1/1972 61 his wife Florence 30/6/1978 59
THOMAS James Blight THOMAS 11/6/1993 79
THOMAS James Henry THOMAS 9/4/1985 80 his wife Dorothy Lily  16/4/1992 82
THOMAS James THOMAS (engineer) buried in Brazil hus of Ellen  who died at Fairholme 17/2/1909 44
THOMAS John Charles THOMAS 3/3/1947 75 his wife Eliza Jane 15/2/1961 83
THOMAS John Francis THOMAS 7/8/1975 67 husband of Win father of Cliff Clive Turner Eve and Lester
THOMAS John THOMAS 15/9/1877 62 also Francis 13/3/1890
THOMAS John THOMAS born 18/10/1794 died 2/2/1875 also Mary born 25/3/1798 – 25/5/1894
THOMAS John THOMAS born Illogan Highway 11/1/1821- 2/11/1874 also Mary his wife 18/3/1899 74
THOMAS John THOMAS died Illogan Highway 7/10/1904 70 also wife Mary Trewartha 11/7/1906 68
THOMAS John THOMAS of Gwinear 27/3/1888 71
THOMAS Katherine Eva THOMAS 17/3/1965 75 rest illegible
THOMAS Lillian J THOMAS 1871-1936 William James her husband 1872-1940 and their daughter Ellen Jane 1900-1975 same grave Herbert John FOX 2/5/1978 67
THOMAS Lily wife of Nicholas Ward THOMAS 12/12/1946 67 also Nicholas 1968 ??
THOMAS Mabel THOMAS 26/1/1955 aged 67 her husband Henry Blight THOMAS 10/8/1971 aged 83
THOMAS Maria THOMAS widow of Thomas Thomas of Gwinear 29/1/1909 84
THOMAS Martin Henry THOMAS  31/12/1897 19 also George his brother 18/11/1892 29 also John 27/1/1912 37 also George  father died 2/4/1908 67 and William 7/8/1908 38
THOMAS Mary Elizabeth wife of Richard THOMAS mother of Stanley and Gordon 10/4/1940
THOMAS Mary THOMAS 27/5/1908 77 also Charles her husband died Mornington New Zealand 28/7/1901 68 also Elizabeth ann wife of Alfred FOX  22/1/1911 76
THOMAS Phyllis Mary 22/3/1993 79 also John her husband 29 june aged 83
THOMAS R.N. THOMAS son of William and Elizabeth 16/12/1898 aged 11 also William his father 26/8/1907 61 and his mother 1934 87
THOMAS Richard Albert THOMAS  13/4/1984 70 Avril his wife Nov 1995 76
THOMAS Richard THOMAS died Agar Cottage 19/11/1907 aged 70 his wife Elizabeth 17/3/1929 aged 88
THOMAS Richard THOMAS died at Brea 2/12/1909 78
THOMAS Rosina THOMAS died  at Hillside Farm Nanckuke 1/3/1927 74 also James Charles son 25/5/1913 26 also William 24/8/1929 77 In memory also of  Elizabeth, Ernest, Albert, and Arthur Wesley who all died in infancy children of William and Rosina THOMAS
THOMAS Samuel THOMAS 11/10/1927 42 also Edith29/9/1967 86
THOMAS Sarah Pearl THOMAS wife of Jack mother of Joy 1/8/1976 59 also John charles 1/7/1992 74
THOMAS Thomas James THOMAS husband of Hettie father of David January 1970 48 his wife Elizabeth Anne Hettie Thomas 25/3/1919-28/1/1973 aged 54
THOMAS Vivien THOMAS 17/6/1989 74 husband of Betty father of Aaron David and Elaine
THOMAS William Henry THOMAS 20/1/1935 67
THOMAS William John THOMAS husband of Hannah Jane 9/3/1943 73 also annie their daughter 7/1/1956 56 also Hannah Jane 18/4/1956 84
THOMAS William THOMAS 13/4/1866 son 3 years also William 19/10/1896 29
THOMAS William THOMAS husband of Selina HOSKING 2/8/1933 aged 68 also selina 25/6/1958 aged 90 and their son William Arthur 11/3/1963 aged 73
THOMAS William THOMAS of carnarthan  19/1/1866 78 also Elizabeth 18/5/1873 82
THOMPSON Ann THOMPSON  5/9/1941 62 also Alfred  28/2/1951 77 (husband)
THOMPSON James THOMPSON  7/2/1953 64 his wife Emily Jane 21/5/1971 81 also Phyllis Eva daughter 22/2/1982 65
THOMPSON Lily amy THOMPSON 18/6/1989 93
THOMSPON Ann THOMPSON  5/9/1941 62 also Alfred  28/2/1951 77 (husband)
THORNDRY Fredrick THORNDRY husband of Annie Mabel 21/2/1964 aged 81 and Annie Mabel 10/4/1973 aged 93
THWAINTES Ethel wife of Edwin THWAINTES 23/5/1950 67 and also Edwin 11/12/1965 82
TINDLEY 400546 Sgt. H.W. TINDLEY Royal Australian Air Force 7/1/1942 aged 31
TINKNELL Clifford Cyril TINKNELL 2/8/1978 65 husband of May
TIPPETT Charles TIPPETT 12/6/1939 lost his life in a cyclone  off  the east coast of Mexico 18/9/1883 his birth date. his wife born 20/2/1844 died 14/3/1931 also Emma Jane 4/1/1867 – 13/7/1854
TIPPETT Martin TIPPETT 15/3/1886 51 his daughter Susan Ann 3/1/1862 aged 1 Mary ann died 6/7/1862 4 Mary ann 28/5/1870 3 also Jane his wife 30/9/1913 87
TIPPETT William TIPPETT 14/11/1880 aged 57 his wife Elizabeth 30/8/1913 88
TJOMAS Hector S F R THOMAS 1862-1950 wife Irene Marie 1885-1967 her sister Eliza Athalinda TRERISE 1880-1966
TONKIN Annie TONKIN 12/3/1983 age 79 wife of Hedley and Hedley 6/3/1990 87
TONKIN Edith Elizabeth TONKIN husband Of Percy 6/12/1970 81 also  Percy 28/9/1971 76
TONKIN Edith TONKIN 16/8/1939 65 her husband Richard 26/12/1946 76
TONKIN Ethel Jane TONKIN 2/3/1977 84 her husband John Humprey 18/9/1982 92
TONKIN George TONKIN 20/10/1899 54 Jane his wife 9/2/1919 74
TONKIN John TONKIN 18/8/1806 – 1/5/1876 also Caroline his wife 19/5/1898 74
TONKIN John TONKIN 18/8/1806-1/5/1876 also Caroline 19/5/1898 74
TONKIN John TONKIN 28/10/1910 75
TONKIN Joseph Hedley TONKIN 15/4/1994 73 his wife Elsie 25/9/1995 75
TONKIN Margaret Rawling TONKIN 21/9/1949 86 and her daughter Gladys 24/11/1983
TONKIN Robert Joseph husband of annie jane TONKIN 16/1/1959 64 also annie Jane 13/10/1959 72
TONKIN Trudy TONKIN wife of Leslie mother of Kevin, Norman and Brenda 1/12/1974 48 also her husband Leslie 9/6/1975 no age
TOR Tom TOR 1/6/1928-7/1/1993
TOY Angela marie TOY 1/12/1995 32
TOY Arthur TOY 1914-1989
TOY Bennett TOY died in USA 31/5/1884 43 also Susan his wife 29/3/1925 73
TOY Courtney TOY 14/1/1930- 6/2/1998
TOY Mary TOY 3/12/1991 56
TOY Matthew TOY 27/12/1966 aged 5 weeks
TOY Robert TOY 14/3/1900 57
TRATHAN William husband of Charlotte Marie TRATHAN 13/1/1932 77 also Charlotte 29/8/1948 86
TREDINNICK Joseph TREDINNICK 31/10/1927 73 also Eliza ann his wife  14/1/1964 92
TREDINNICK William H TREDINNICK 11/5/1911 aged 72 his wife Matilda 1910 aged 69
TREDREA John Martin TREDREA 26/9/1983 70
TREGAY William TREGAY born 11/5/1826 -4/12/1889 also William Charles his son aug 1877 10 days and Mary ann his wife 17/1/1927
TREGENZA Hugh Victor andrew TREGENZA 15/6/1976 63
TREGIDGA Vera Elaine TREGIDGA 7/9/1993 76
TREGIDGO William John TREGIDGO 8/10/.1960 56 husband of Rose died 2/10/1976 75
TREGLAZE Harry G TREGLAZE 21/1/1988 96 and his wife amy 1/6/1988 78
TREGLOWAN Richard TREGLOWN 22/8/1844 74 also of Christianne his wife 18/2/1862 88
TREGLOWN Alfred TREGLOWN 14/1/1885 73  his wife Ann 19/6/1891  82
TREGLOWN Beatrice ellen TREGLOWN 27/12/1955 also Laura Jane 17/7/1960 Annie died at 18 Heaton Terrace Redruth 18/2/1937 also ada Mary 22/1/1943
TREGLOWN Edwin William TREGLOWN died Mount Ambrose Redruth 13/9/1898 37 also Elizabeth ann  his wife 27/4/1922 78
TREGLOWN George Michael TREGLOWN of pool 16/3/1936 70 his wife Elizabeth 13/1/1960 92
TREGLOWN George TREGLOWN 22/11/1879 82 his wife Jane 2/1/1884 83
TREGLOWN Richard Hocking TREGLOWN 8/1/1892 64 also Pheobe 10/2/1902 74
TREGONNING Mary ann TREGONNING died Portreath 3/5/1900 91
TREGUNNA Mary Anne TREGUNNA wife of Richard 2/10/1927 75
TRELOAR Ada beloved daughter of William and ann TRELOAR of Carnarthan 3/3/1906 14
TRELOAR Ann TRELOAR 7/8/1913 aged 70 her daughter Mary Jane 2/9/1956 aged 85 also Alma Emily another daughter 2/7/1979 aged 94
TRELOAR Dorothy TRELOAR 1/10/1984 67 also J Edgar her husband 27/6/1991 83
TRELOAR Helen TRELOAR at portreath 6/10/1921 aged 62 also william Henry son who drowned  at sea 5/8/1915 aged 30
TRELOAR John TRELOAR  20/12/1902 78
TRELOAR John TRELOAR 15/12/1835 42 also Mary ann his wife 24/3/1901 51
TRELOAR John TRELOAR Portreath 19/2/1882 55
TRELOAR S W P TRELOAR 6/12/1925 20
TRELOAR Thomas TRELOAR 12/4/1862 57 also Anne his daughter (wife ann as well) 27/6/1863 27
TRELOAR William Henry TRELOAR 7/4/1923 aged 43 his wife Lily 29/11/1970 aged 87
TRELOAR William James TRELOAR 13/3/1981 59 also his wife Winifred Annie 2/7/1996 84
TREMBATH Francis TREMBATH 19/9/1898 77
TREMBERTH Thomas Lesley TREMBERTH 1/1/1996 65 husband of Cynthia dad of sean
TREMELLING Matthew TREMELLING husband of Florence father of Enid  and Stella 14/11/1972 68 also his wife Florence May 29/1/1991 83
TRENEERY William son of Joseph and ellen TRENEERY??? of Kingsbridge Farm Illogan 17/1/1888 aged illegible
TRERISE Jane TRERISE died Rectory Farm 11/10/1871 aged 50 also husband Edward 1/4/1900 85
TRERISE Rebecca Jane wife of Harold Henry TRERISE 1/10/1947 72 also her husband 4/2/1958 77 also their son John Howard 23/3/1987 no age
TRERISE Stephen Tredinnick TRERISE of Illogan Highway 23/10/1924 81 Elizabeth his wife 5/12/1925 76
TRESCOTHICK Alfred John TRESCOTHICK husband of Gladys 11/12/1977 78 his wife 1994 age??
TRESCOTHICK Clara Winifred TRESCOTHICK 22/9/1993 89
TRESCOTHICK Elizabeth annie TRESCOTHICK 1876-1943 Mary Helena 1879-1843 and Esther Jane 1878-1964 all sisters
TRESCOTHICK Elizabeth TRESCOTHICK 1/2/1933 aged 93 also Robert her husband 31/8/1922 aged 83 Bessy the daughter 26/2/1938 aged 76 James BENNETT husband of their daughter Caroline 18/5/1935 aged 62 and Caroline 17/5/1976 aged 99
TRESCOTHICK mary E TRESCOTHICK 26/2/1911 aged 59 her husband William John 14/3/1924 aged 73
TRESCOWTHICK Elizabeth Jane TRESCOWTHICK at Portreath 19/3/1884 aged 30 son William Harris 9/11/1886 aged 2years 8 months ellen Louise 19/7/1890 12 months Nellie 12/4/1892 aged 8 months.WARNING THE DATES ON THIS STONE DO NOT MAKE SENSE THE CHILDREN WERE BORN AND DIED
TRESIDDER John TRESIDDER 30/11/1906 ??
TRESSIDER William J TRESSIDER 4/9/1933 54
TRETHOWAN William TRETHOWAN husband of Beatrice Ann 31/7/1964 aged 77 also Beatrice Ann 30/4/1974 aged 87
TREVARTHEN Carrie wife of Fredrick TREVARTHEN 27/7/1937 69 also Fred their son who fell in the great war at Ypres France 25/8/1918 21 also Fredrick her husband 10/5/1950 82
TREVARTHEN John TREVARTHEN 5/12/1972 73 his wife Alice Martha 18/5/1993 90
TREVENA Charles TREVENA husband of Annie 15/6/1906 80??
TREVENA Kathleen Rose TREVENA mother of Robert and Terry 9/11/1987 59
TREVENA Nanny TREVENA 22/2/1932 74 also Caroline BENNETT 14/9/1985 71 (daughter) also Thomas BENNETT 31/10/1937 75
TREVETHAN Percy TREVETHAN husband of Audrey 19/1/1949 40
TREVETHAN Reginald John TREVETHAN husband of Evelyn died 15/10/1961 62 also Evelyn 17/8/1966 age ??
TREVETHAN William Derek TREVETHAN 21/8/1984 53
TREVETHEN Elizabeth  daughter of John and caroline TREVETHEN 26/12/1882 37
TREVETHEN Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth TREVETHEN 26/12/1882 37
TREVETHEN John son of John and Mary TREVETHEN 23/5/1831 9 months also John 27/4/1891 ??
TREVETHEN John TREVETHEN 25/1/1869 52 also Caroline 29/4/1892 71
TREVETHEN John TREVETHEN 25/1/1869 52 also Caroline 29/4/1892 71
TREVETHEN Mary ann wife of William TREVETHEN 15/5/1892 52
TREVETHEN Nellie TREVETHEN 15/3/1882 13
TREVETHEN Nellie TREVETHEN 15/3/1882 13years
TREVETHEN Thomas TREVETHEN 2/7/1870 67 also Elizabeth his wife 28/5/1878 69 son of John and Mary TREVETHEN
TREVILLION Christine TREVILLION 24/10/1939-17/6/1994 her husband William Thomas Raymond 25/12/1936-14/1/1997
TREVILLION Matilda wife of T.H. TREVILLION 3/1/1954 85 he died 3/6/1969 39
TREVILLION Thomas Henry son of Matilda and T.H.TREVILLION 2/6/1963 66
TREVILLION William John TREVILLION 28/10/1984 76 his wife ethel jane 1/12/1996 84
TREVITHICK James Jose TREVITHICK 1/7/1903 34 and Jane Dunstan TREVITHICK 8/2/1945 78 also Adelaide Jane their child (jane is the wife) 1/1/1905 2 and Azeline wife of Norman ROWE 15/3/1962 61
TREVITHICK William TREVITHICK of pool 31/10/1884  47 also his son John died Johannasburg South Africa 25/7/1890  31 also his son Henry 26/11/1879 7 also Mary Jane his wife 7/6/1914 74
TREWELLA George TREWELLA husband of Gertrude 2/12/1965 71 also Gertrude 15/6/1978 83
TREWELLA Herbert Ewart TREWELLA 19/11/1966 64 his wife Blanche May 15/5/1974 71 also RA Desmond TREWELLA son 15/7/1987 59
TREWELLA Millicent Mary TREWELLA 24/4/1980 85
TREWREN George TREWREN died in Africa 11/1/1932 aged 55 his wife Mary Elizabeth 9/7/1933 aged 57 also their son-in-law Edwin Ambrose OULD  18/8/1960 aged 55 and their daughter Louie Edwins wife 31/12/1970 aged 63
TRIPCONEY Fredrick Francis TRIPCONEY 18/2/1971 66 also Ruth his wife 9/2/1982 74
TRIPCONEY Michael TRIPCONEY 23/11/1986 59
TRIPCONEY Samuel Charles TRIPCONEY 11/6/1938 aged 77 and wife Agnes 20/7/1946 aged 73 their daughter Ethel 6/7/1966 aged 69
TROUNCE John TROUNCE born 1826 died 1900
TROUNCE John TROUNCE husband of Margaret 23/2/1956 79 also Margaret 31/12/1963 84
TROUNCE Samuel Phillips TROUNCE son of Samuel C Trounce of Laity Redruth 13/3/1850 aged 11 years 2 months
TROUNCE William Edgar TROUNCE 30/10/1970 77 and his wife Doris May 23/7/1988 84
TRUDGEON Richard TRUDGEON 24/11/1960 aged 62 wife Mary Helena 27/12/1967 aged 88
TRURAN William Henry TRURAN 4/1/1951 aged 63 his wife Hettie 17/3/1894-11/3/1987
TRVTHALL James TRVTHALL 4/12/1816-10/5/1880 also Elizabeth 25/3/1817-24/10/1899
TRWELLA Charles TREWELLA 24/3/1967 74 his wife Maud gertrude 6/7/1969 74
TUCK Brian R TUCK 22/2/1931 -22/5/1989 School master of Illogan from 1968-1989
TUCKER Arthur Wheeler TUCKER 27/2/1956 69 his wife Alice Maud 4/2/1991 90
TUCKER Raymond TUCKER 18/11/1994 65
TUCKER William Arthur John TUCKER  his wife Jessy Lavinai and their son Leslie lost at sea and daughter Ivy no dates or years
TUCKER William TUCKER husband of Shiela 15/10/1982 74
TULL Elizabeth May TULL 18/2/1947 no age
TURNER 1259078 Sgt R TURNER pilot RAF 3/7/1941 aged 20
TURNER Eliza wife of William TURNER 10/8/1862 ?? also William 27/4/1866 91
TURNER Issac TURNER died Tuckingmill 8/10/1891 aged 71 his wife Eliza 30/7/1900 aged 76
TURNER Richard TURNER 26/2/1819 84 Harold Edward LEONARD 1/3/1884 aged 90 his wife Winifred 19/5/1886 aged 91
TURNER Samuel TURNER 1866 no age
UNKNOWN Howard 16/4/1916 aged 9 rest illegible surname totally unreadable:-(
UNKNOWN John Henry husband of Hester 28/10/1913 31
UNKNOWN John son of Tuckfield???? and Sussanah July 1807 17
UNKNOWN William John 16/6/1894 8 also James 6/7/1900 12 no surname
UPTON W C UPTON 19/12/1970 70 his wife Letitia Andrea 2/4/1978 82
UREN Georgina UREN January 1924 also samuel july 1930
UREN H.V. UREN April 1899 63 Mary his wife April 1905 67
UREN James Peter UREN 1/7/1953-3/3/1980
UREN John C UREN 11/1/1869-20/3/1902 also Arthur Stanley son of above 10/3/1893 fell in France 16/2/1918 also Helena Augusta his wife 10/3/1949 76
UREN John charles UREN 17/12/1975 77 his wife Nellie 15/2/1989 91
UREN John S UREN son of Vincent and Eliza 9/7/1860 21 also Amelia his sister 3/7/1861 19
UREN Leonard James UREN 5/1/1986 58
UREN Marjory UREN 1932-1964 William 1903-1973 (father) her mother Hilda Grace 1898-1973
UREN Norman UREN husband of Joan 5/11/1981 66
UREN Patricia Joan MITCHELL (nee UREN)1928-1989
UREN Sarah only daughter of Richard and Sally UREN 9/5/1861 4
UREN William UREN 15/8/1883 76 also his wife Bethsheba 8/2/1884 78
VANDERSLUYS Maureen VANDERSLUYS 17/8/1989 17 and her father George Thomas 10/10/1972 70
VARCOE Elizabeth VARCOE died Penzance 7/10/1921 67 also William her husband 13/9/1927 72
VARCOE James son of Thomas and Maria VARCOE 3/4/1876 10 also Mary anne his sister 27/5/1942 71
VARKER James son of Thomas and Maria VARKER 3/4/1876 10 also Mary ann his sister 27/5/1942 aged 71
VARKER Thomas VARKER 8/3/1903 75
VENNER Florence Ellen VENNER 28/11/1962 aged 63 also John VENNER 14/9/1977 aged 87
VENNOR Terence John VENNOR  13/4/1988 49
VERNE Jim VERNE 19/11/1890-8/4/1937 winifred his wife 19/2/1890-30/12/1981
VERRAN Ewart VERRAN husband of Bessie 12/11/1956 46
VERRYN William Henry VERRYN husband of Gwen Father of  Barbara, Sheila, Michael and Cora 20/6/1969 64 also Gwendoline Eva 22/2/1981 76
VICTOR W H VICTOR died at Portreath 25/2/1904 46 also Charity Jane his wife 16/4/1940 75 also Rosina their daughter 7/10/1893 age 10 William Henry their son died in Colorado USA 18/2/1918 31 their son James died in infancy also Minnie their daughter 20/11/1960 7
VINCENT James VINCENT  died at Tolgus 9/1/1889 61 also Elizabeth 14/3/1915 83 also Elizabeth Jane OXENHAM 14/1/1926 71 (daughter) and her husband John 8/12/1929 75
VINCENT James VINCENT lost his life in Dolcoath Mine 21/1/1821 27
VINCENT James VINCENT lost his life in Dolcoath Mine 21/1/1821 27 John son of Tuckfield???? and Sussanah July 1807 17
VINCENT Thomas VINCENT son of Thomas and Ann Vincent 5/8/1874 aged 30
VINCENT William John VINCENT 17/1/1995 60
VINCNET James VINCENT  died at Tolgus 9/1/1889 61 also Elizabeth 14/3/1915 83 also Elizabeth Jane OXENHAM 14/1/1926 71 (daughter) and her husband John 8/12/1929 75
VINVENT Thomas VINCENT son of Thomas and Ann Vincent 5/8/1874 aged 30
VISICK Denis Mansell VISICK 23/3/1997 45 brother of Marlene,Kenwyn,Diane,Chris and Julie dad of Connor and Jamie
VISICK Oswald Mansell VISICK 11/2/1980 66his wife Mildred Jane august 1981 63
VIVIEN James Henry VIVIEN husband of Mary 12/2/1953 aged 63
VIVIEN Sarah wife of James H VIVIEN 29/12/1925 39 and her only child J.P. VIVIEN died in Aiden 12/8/1934 18
VIVIEN William John VIVIEN son of William and Jane 17/7/1874 aged 22 also his father William 20/5/1877 aged 69
WAERNE Richard WEARNE died at West Tolgus 12/6/1897 71 his wife Martha 5/10/1910 80 also Henry youngest son 4/9/1941 75
WAINRIGHT 23 also Eliza Jane 23/12/1952 72and of Arnold WAINRIGHT husband of Eliza Jane 5/4/1985 79 and Eliza Jane 6/2/1956 42
WALES Ray WALES husband of May 24/12/1968 aged 62 also May 3/1/1977 aged 73
WALKER Richard WALKER 10/2/1941 87
WALKER The Reverend Joseph WALKER 11/5/1963 82 his wife Sarah 28/1/1978 72
WALKER Thomas WALKER son of Roger AND reBECCA Dec 1938 70 also Jessie widow of
WALLACE Emily WALLACE died at North Pool 10/8/1951 81 her husband William15/11/1965 87 also their daughter Florence Emily 24/3/1983 77
WALLACE Thomas Garfield WALLACE husband of Queenie dad of Paul Hilary and Pat 9/4/1981 60
WALLS Phyllis May WALLS 12/12/1990 74 her husband Richard Henry 13/8/1993 76
WALTERS Fredrick son of J.E. and M E WALTERS 7/7/1892 2 and also Percy 8/2/1900 1 year and 5 months
WALTERS John WALTERS 11/11/1878 43 Elizabeth his wife 29/7/1902 64
WALTERS John WALTERS 13/1/1854 71
WANLESS Aston WANLESS 21/3/1994 63 sons John  Paul Gary and Nigel
WARD Ellen WARD 1/6/1911 aged 52 died Illogan Highway sister Amelia 14/6/1937 aged 71
WARD Ellen WARD died Illogan Highway 1/6/1911 52  also her sister Amelia Ward died at Illogan Highway14/6/1937 71
WARD George WARD Master Mariner 23/1/1877 46
WARD Vera Edith WARD 22/3/1993 no age also Violet May MORRIS Veras sister 1907-1991
WARE Richard WARE died Carnkie 23/4/1911 66 his wife Elizabeth Ann 2/11/1914 aged 70
WARNE Joseph Henry WARNE 25/3/1959 aged 54 also Minnie his wife 20/4/1970 aged 66
WARNER Fredrick James WARNER 20/1/1987 74 also his wife Lillian GREY 20/5/1996 71
WARNER Thornley Donald WARNE husband of Ellen 5/12/1991 61
WARREN Albert John WARREN 18/8/1954 47 also his son Albert Anthony 15/2/1961 27 and his daughter Margaret Betty  26/4/1986 no age
WARREN Charles WARREN July 1944 67 Hettie his wife March 1952 85
WARREN Foster Grimaldi WARREN 4/12/1987 77 his wife Phyllis Edith 1/8/1994 83
WARREN James Richard Grimaldi WARREN 20/7/1991 61
WARREN Lily WARREN wife of albert 15/2/1947 no age also Albert James her husband28/10/1953 68
WARREN Mary Ann WARREN of pool 24/6/1969 85
WATERS Bert WATERS 1893-1975 his wife Elizabeth 4/7/1895- 3/7/1983
WATERS Clifford Stanley WATERS FEb 1984 69
WATERS eliza Jane WATERS died Whitfield Illogan 7/7/1917 aged 55
WATERS Hugh B WATERS 17/2/1956 75 annie his wife 28/12/1966 85 and their son Arthur no dates
WATERS John Barry WATERS 29/6/1970 33
WATERS John Henry WATERS 11/12/1958 aged 73 also Emily his wife 10/2/1962 aged 75
WATERS Joseph WATERS 24/5/1924 43 his wife Jane 24/4/1951 75 also Joseph Stewert their son killed in France 1915 age 21
WATERS Lambert James WATERS 22/4/1988 75 husband of Betty  father of Fiona
WATERS Mary J WATERS died at whitfield illogan 15/8/1902 71 samuel the husband 6/6/1910 81
WATERS Owen Hugh WATERS 17/1/1921-21/7/1996
WATERS Phyllis WATERS husband of Joel mother of Colleen  grandmother of Penny and Scott 27/10/1977 69
WATERS Thomas Francis husband of Lillian May WATERS 8/11/1950 aged 59 also Lillian May 30/7/1969 75
WATSON Janie WATSON 21/8/1951 63 also her husband George Ethelbert  25/7/1957 72
WATTERS Francis WATTERS 5/11/1874 51 and his children James 2 years 6 months Francis aged 5 John aged 6 months also Eliza Jane his wife 16/7/1891 63
WATTERS Samuel WATTERS 20/5/1838 aged 77 also mary his wife 19/6/1855 aged 63 their son john 16/9/1837 aged 12
WATTERS William WATTERS April 1829? 38 also Alice 24/2/1869 77 son William 17/1/1863 44
WATTS Issac WATTS 15/5/1937 aged 88 his wife Elizabeth 21/7/19?? aged 72 also Ethel Sarah wife of phillip JENKIN and daughter of Issac Watts 5/6/1940 aged 53
WATTS John WATTS of Pembrokeshire Wales Master Mariner unfortunately lost his life by a boat falling on him aboard the Brig Peace No date
WAUCHOPE John Andrew WAUCHOPE 24/1/1956 55
WEARNE Arthur Charles WEARNE 1/2/1951 68 his wife Julia annie  14/9/1956 77
WEARNE Charles Kenneth WEARNE husband of Enid father of Shiela and Jeffrey 24/5/1977 64
WEBB Andrew Charles WEBB 16/10/1873-13/10/1924 also Mary PAULL his wife 15/11/1874-14/6/1921
WEBB Bella WEBB 9/5/1914 aged 75 also William 29/12/1922 aged 85
WEBB Charles Edward WEBB 4/5/1996 75
WEBB Emma WEBB 9/5/1914 aged 75 husband William 29/12/1922 aged 85
WEBB Ernest Claude WEBB 1/6/1977 64
WEBB Ernest WEBB 2/8/1955 66 also his wife Thirza 17/11/1960 75
WEBB Mary Brewer WEBB of Portreath died 4/4/18?7 aged 39
WEBB Selina WEBB 29/9/1914 aged 51 her husband Samuel 29/1/1939 aged 79
WEBBER Fredrick husband of Angleina WEBBER 17/4/1946 aged 40
WEBBER Harry son of William Henry and Hannah Jane WEBBER 8/5/1887 10
WEBBER William John WEBBER sept 1934 aged 70 also Emily his wife 1951 aged 80 and son stephen Reginald age 40 and Ann Evelyn aged 43 no dates on those last two
WEBSTER Anthony WEBSTER 1927 also Margaret Jane his wife the grave has sunken into the ground so is illegible
WEBSTER Gordon Paul WEBSTER 28/4/1968 -5/8/1987 son of Rosemary and paul brother to Ian and Nicola
WEBSTER John WEBSTER 4/11/1824 aged 66
WEBSTER Joseph lesley WEBSTER  18/8/1979 63
WEBSTER Lillian Joan WEBSTER 16/2/1978 95
WEBSTER martha WEBSTER 5/8/1963 aged 52 husband of Frank who died 7/9/1979 aged 67 parents of Joyce and David
WEBSTER Sarah WEBSTER 28/1/1862 aged 66
WEBSTER William WEBSTER 8/6/1859 73
WEEKS Belinda Maud WEEKS wife of Garfield 10/11/1978 71 also Garfield 10/12/1986 84
WEEKS Thomas Arthur WEEKS 22/3/1978 69 his wife Mildred 17/7/1982 no age
WEEKS Thomas gerald WEEKS22/5/1988 56
WELCH Mary ann wife of Thomas WELCH died Portreath 3/5/1902 70 also Thomas 13/5/1909 77 also Barbara ann their daughter 19/8/1870 1 year 2 months
WELLS Bert WELLS husband of Gladys 10/6/1947 aged 48
WELLS Frances WELLS husband of Dorothy 9/2/1983 72 also Dorothy Enid 19/1/1995 87
WEST John son of John and Jane WEST  7/5/1825 8 months also Julia 5/8/1833 2 months also william Matthew 17/8/18??
WESTCOTT Cora WESTCOTT daughter of James and Salvina SOLOMON died illogan Highway 24/2/1923 aged 25 her brother John R.A.M.C. died in France 26/5/1916 aged 28 James SOLOMON at chilli Road Illogan 19/2/1926 aged 71 and his wife Salvina 23/1/1936 aged 80
WHERRY Colin WHERRY 3/1/1989 83
WHERRY Cyril Vivien WHERRY 3/3/1989 62
WHERRY Emily WHERRY wife of percy mother of Kenneth Margery and cyril 6/7/1965 81 also Percy 28/7/1969 78
WHERRY Esther Ann WHERRY died chilli Road Illogan 13/5/1919 aged 64 also her husband J.H. 29/5/1939 aged 87
WHERRY kenneth Percival WHERRY 3/3/1994 72 husband of Pearl father of David
WHERRY Norman P WHERRY husband of Enid father of colin 23/11/1969 61 also Enid Lorraine 21/6/1987 70
WHITBURN Charlotte WHITBURN 8/9/1950 49 and also Mary winifred MERRITT 15/11/1968 73 sisters
WHITE Captain Thomas WHITE of Blackwater 28/9/1866 19 also Martha ann his wife 29/12/1871 49
WHITE Emma wife of William WHITE 8/10/1879 57 also William 8/7/1890 68
WHITE Everett son of William and Nora WHITE 6/5/1926 30 also Willian and Nora 4/4/1942 and 20/6/1943 respectively
WHITE Louis wife of Frank WHITE 18/2/1948 59 he died 22/2/1954 59
WHITE Wooden Cross to a child with the name Megan WHITE  no age or date
WHITEHEAD Ted WHITEHEAD son of Lily and Edward 16/6/1943 27
WHITFORD Fredrick Charles WHITFORD 3/4/1985 74 husband of Gladys 12/4/1985 73
WHITFORD Howard WHITFORD 3/8/1954 49 his wife |Edith Francis 2/1/1996 83
WHITFORD William Charles WHITFORD 28/4/1952 aged 57 wife Cordelia Nora 9/8/1979 aged 89
WHITNEY Clifford Fredrick WHITNEY 20/11/1948 47 wife Lillian 4/1/1978 aged 73 parents of Clifford and Joyce
WHITTLE Donald Campbell WHITTLE 18/9/1967 aged 88 his wife Ellen May 9/8/1969 aged 86 daughter Kathleen 23/9/1968 aged 49 also William Bartholomew Whittle lost at sea 20/10/1943 aged 28
WICKETT Thomas Harold WICKETT husband of Margaret 3/11/1955 68
WICKS Donald WICKS husband of Diane 7/10/1978 44
WIGGENSTEN pilot Officer R WIGGENSTEN Pilot RAF 27/5/1942 age 31
WILCOCK Mabel wife of S J WILCOCK 3/3/1920 27
WILKES Charles WILKES 23/10/1978 73 his wife Marjorie 24/4/1984 70
WILKES Margaret Elizabeth WILKES 15/1/1906-26/2/1996
WILKINSON Grace WILKINSON 1/3/1994 child no age or date
WILLIAMS Alan WILLIAMS 23/1/1976 62 Kathleen his wife 19/8/1991 78
WILLIAMS Alfred WILLIAMS son of Thomas and Louisa(end of list 11)died at datu gajah Malay States 10/10/1923 28
WILLIAMS Anne Hoskinson WILLIAMS wife of Morley mother of william charles 2/11/1917-12/10/1976 also Morley 27/1/1983 73
WILLIAMS Annie Jane WILLIAMS 18/12/1968 81 also Maurice her husband 5/12/1970 84 daughter Florence Gwendoline  9/5/1974 64
WILLIAMS Annie WILLIAMS of illogan23/10/1910 55 also Thomas 24/4/1916 59
WILLIAMS Arthur Leonard WILLIAMS husband of Marjorie father of Mary and John 8/3/1967 64 also Florence Marjorie his wife  29/9/1985 71
WILLIAMS Austin WILLIAMS 24/6/1979 70
WILLIAMS Beatrice May WILLIAMS 18/2/1987 84 her husband William Pearce WILLIAMS 25/12/1993 90 and their son Norman 16/7/1987 57
WILLIAMS Bertha wife of William WILLIAMS 21/1/1905 33 also their children Willie, Percy and Wilfred died in infancy
WILLIAMS Caroline WILLIAMS wife of Francis 4/2/1956 aged 78
WILLIAMS Catherine Jane WILLIAMS 13/2/1930 aged 31 her father Edwin 2/1/1943 aged 64
WILLIAMS Catherine WILLIAMS 30/4/1931 aged 81 also Edwin 1/7/1932 aged 84
WILLIAMS Clara Jane WILLIAMS wife of Fredrick 13/11/1966 75 also Fredrick  2/4/1973 82
WILLIAMS Edwin WILLIAMS husband of  clarice father of Marian  16/8/1984 76
WILLIAMS Elizabeth Jane WILLIAMS 21/2/1986 83
WILLIAMS Elizabeth wife of Captain John WILLIAMS October 1869 rest illegible
WILLIAMS Elizabeth WILLIAMS born 14/4/1876-18/6/1878
WILLIAMS Elizabeth WILLIAMS wife of James E 9/9/1880 aged 37
WILLIAMS Esther ann WILLIAMS died at Carnkie 17/9/1959 93
WILLIAMS Ethel WILLIAMS 23/6/1968 72
WILLIAMS George Herbert husband of Mary WILLIAMS 1/12/1941 67 also Mary his wife 8/2/1956 79
WILLIAMS Harold WILLIAMS 9/3/1967 57 his wife Sarah Adelaide 22/9/1972 62
WILLIAMS Heckezial WILLIAMS 30/8/1857 75 also Dorothy his wife 2/4/1857 70
WILLIAMS Henry WILLIAMS 16/4/1898 76 also Elizabeth his wife 13/5/1913 85 also Richard son 10/5/1882 12 also Emma their daughter 19/5/1896 35
WILLIAMS Henry Williams 22/7/1898 73 jane his wife 15/9/1887 57 james the son 26/9/1889 34 Sarah Their daughter 29/6/1917 61
WILLIAMS Irene WILLIAMS died Broad Lane illogan 30/3/1921 4 yr and 6 months
WILLIAMS Ivy May WILLIAMS 28/5/1987 78 also Maurice darcy 23/8/1988 76
WILLIAMS James WILLIAMS 9/1/1946 74 Edith Clara his wife  21/4/1942 65
WILLIAMS Jane wife of Francis WILLIAMS 26/9/1859 46 also 4 of her children jane 9/4/1857 17, Thomas 6/5/1852 7, William 6/8/1856 6 These 3 were buried on the North side of their mother  James Rook 21/10/1837 14months buried in the parish of Blanavon in the county
WILLIAMS John George WILLIAMS  husband of Marjorie father of Paul 23/8/1965 51 also Marjorie 1/11/1977 ??
WILLIAMS John Hilary WILLIAMS 8/12/1926- 16/8/1997
WILLIAMS John husband of Francis Ann WILLIAMS 24/5/1901 36
WILLIAMS John WILLIAMS died Ventonraze 27/11/1874 aged 48 also Elizabeth his wife died Penhallick 20/3/1900 aged 83
WILLIAMS Josephine WILLIAMS wife of Ernest and mother of Eunice 4/3/1960 69 also her husband Robert Ernest 7/9/1972 78 also Marjorie their daughter and mum to Robert Adrien and Colin 8/8/1992 73
WILLIAMS Lizzie WILLIAMS 11/11/1961 aged 89 and Lizzie Trerise WILLIAMS the daughter 8/6/1966 aged 73
WILLIAMS Louie WILLIAMS wife of Lambert 25/8/1974 62  also Lambert 4/3/1981 88
WILLIAMS Maurice WILLIAMS 4/1/1948 47 husband of Elizabeth Jane (next grave) parents of Jane Gwendoline and Betty
WILLIAMS Norman WILLIAMS  30/3/1979 68
WILLIAMS Percy WILLIAMS husband of Louie COWLING died Carn Brea 25/8/1929 aged 44 his wife Louie 22/4/1977 aged 92
WILLIAMS Phillip george WILLIAMS husband of Audrey father of Phillip and David 26/8/1976 56
WILLIAMS Richard WILLIAMS 4/1/1861 57 also Richard William WALTERS 24/10/1862 20
WILLIAMS Richard WILLIAMS died at Nanckuke 11/11/1918 57 also Mary 26/3/1928 67
WILLIAMS Rosalie WILLIAMS 12/11/1975 65
WILLIAMS Rosina WILLIAMS wife of EcKazial 24/9/1942 57 also her husband 10/6/1946 61
WILLIAMS Sarah WILLIAMS 10/7/1905 80 her daughter Edith 10/10/1943 76
WILLIAMS Thomas husband of Lucy Merriford WILLIAMS 1865-1933 also Lucy 1960 aged 103
WILLIAMS Thomas WILLIAMS husband of Louisa 30/12/1928 aged 61 Louisa 29/5/1945 aged 74 their Daughter Doris Mildren MILLETT 20/7/1960 aged 67 who married William MILLETT
WILLIAMS Walter WILLIAMS 13/12/1984 72 husband of Leonora
WILLIAMS William H WILLIAMS 7/4/1939 61 also Edith Ethel his wife 13/11/1940 60
WILLIAMS William Henry WILLIAMS of Portreath 12/2/1917 aged 61 his wife Elizabeth Jane 10/6/1927 aged 78
WILLIAMS William WILLIAMS 21/1/1905 aged 33 also his children Willie, Percy and Wilfred died in infancy
WILLIAMS William WILLIAMS 7/11/1891 64
WILLIAMS William WILLIAMS 7/7/1979 80
WILLIAMSON 973896 Flt Sgt H.M. WILLIAMSON air gunner RAF 15/3/1943 age 30
WILLOUGHBY Ada WILLOUGHBY 10/11/1937 aged 53 her husband Henry Paull WILLOUGHBY 28/3/1935 aged 80
WILLOUGHBY George B WILLOUGHBY died pool 21/12/1856 39 also Eliza 31/7/1892 77
WILLOUGHBY George Henry WILLOUGHBY 6/7/1943 aged 89 his wife Sophie DART 24/11/1936 aged 79 and the daughter Dorothy 27/2/1957 aged 56
WILLOUGHBY George WILLOUGHBY died Treport France 15/9/1918 35 also Prudence Catherine died at Pool 31/12/1919 38
WILLOUGHBY Henry Paull WILLOUGHBY died Pendarves 16/3/1878 aged 65 and Catherine 4/1/1902 AGED 85
WILLOUGHBY James alfred WILLOUGHBY 9/7/1944 72 also Maggie his wife 28/2/1956 77 also Winifred their daughter 29/6/1962 59
WILLOUGHBY James WILLOUGHBY of Portreath 21/11/1908 72 also Grace his wife 20/11/1908 70
WILLOUGHBY Mabel Beatrice WILLOUGHBY 1/6/1884 3 years 8 months and also Robert John brother 5/2/1885 14 also Emily sister 15/4/ 1893 31
WILLOUGHBY Mary Ann wife of James WILLOUGHBY died at Nanckuke 28/3/1890 63 also Emily
WILLOUGHBY Mary Ann WILLOUGHBY died at Nanckuke 19/10/1896 aged 29
WILLOUGHBY Mary Ann WILLOUGHBY died at Nanckuke 28/3/1890 aged 63 daughter Emma 17/4/1886 aged 27 husband James 28/3/1891 aged 64
WILLOUGHBY Olive irene WILLOUGHBY wife of James Henry mother of mavis 14/8/1963 68 also James henry 2/12/1964 71
WILLOUGHBY Oliver WILLOUGHBY of Blackwater 7/11/1878 56 also Elizabeth his wife 16/3/1902 aged 72
WILLOUGHBY Peter WILLOUGHBY died at mawla 23/7/1884 51 also Grace his wife died at Mount Hawke 12/1/1906 68
WILLOUGHBY Stanley WILLOUGHBY 4/12/1967 64
WILLOUGHBY Their Daughter 17/4/1886 27 also James WILLOUGHBY  husband  28/3/1891 64
WILLOUGHBY Thomas WILLOUGHBY son of T & P WILLOUGHBY died Pool 26/5/1908 54
WILLOUGHBY Weldon WILLOUGHBY husband of Dorothy dad to Annette Peter and Janet 25/4/1978 46
WILLOUGHBY William Henry WILLOUGHBY rest illegible
WILLOUGHBY William PHILLIPS husband of Jane WILLOUGHBY 20/4/1930 aged 79 also Jane his wife 5/12/1939 aged 84
WILLS Benjamin Walter WILLS husband of Marion mother of Andrew 2/1/1981 50
WILLS Charles Henry WILLS 1/6/1984 67 husband of Marjorie father of  Charles, Morris Ronald & Jeanette His wife Clarice Marjorie  3/4/1991 72
WILLS Charles WILLS 4/1/1948 aged 76 his wife Laura 6/1/1963 aged 82 also Kathleen Marjorie daughter 19/12/1977 aged 71
WILLS Charlotte WILLS 5/3/1959 aged 40
WILLS Eunice May WILLS 12/11/1984 67 husband called edward
WILLS Harold WILLS 3/8/1970 67 his wife Elsie May 14/6/1994 92
WILLS Lucy WILLS 9/11/1972 78
WILLS Maurice Edward WILLS 11/2/1993 55
WILLS Sarah Ellen WILLS daughter of George and Fanny Wills 12/9/1868 aged 17 also daughter Minnie march 1875 aged 22
WILLS Sarah M WILLS wife of George F Wills  15/3/1841 rest illegible
WILLS Thomas WILLS 7/3/1881 -17/11/1912 his wife Susan 31/8/1861-3/2/1917
WILLS William Thomas Garfield WILLS husband of Ethel father of Reginald , Everson and Preston died 4/11/1965 aged 71 and Ethel 13/5/1986 aged 91
WILLS William WILLS 24/5/1838 58
WILLS William WILLS 24/5/1869 47 also Jane his wife 23/3/1894 74 also William S Wills 8/12/1845- 25/12/1904 in the Pioneers Quartz mine in the Province of British Columbia
WILLS Sarah Ellen daughter of George and Fanny WILLS 12/9/1868 17 also Minnie her sister 4/5/1875 22
WILSON Pamela Jean WILSON 1/8/1992 61 wife of Patrick mother of Nicola
WITTS Hayley WITTS Friday 12/4/1996 18
WOOD Harriett WOOD 8/8/1858 aged 65
WOOD Patrick S WOOD 22/3/1936 aged 18
WOOD Phyllis May WOOD 5/7/1978 73
WOODFORD Victor Leonard Fred K WOODFORD 28/2/1957 45 also his mother Millicent Lavinia 28/12/1962 79
WOODMAN Henry John WOODMAN Feb 1963 wife Florence Cordelia Dec 1993
WOODS Bessy WOODS 20/12/1985 89
WOODWARD Timothy WOODWARD 19/12/1930-20/9/1974
WOOLCOCK Gladys May WOOLCOCK 28/4/1951 aged 55 husband Gordon  17/3/1983 aged 84
WOOLCOCK Henry WOOLCOCK 5/9/1910 aged 35
WOOLCOCK Leslie Gordon WOOLCOCK  18/11/1973 68 his wife Hilda 29/1/1978 68
WRIGHT Maggie wife of Fred WRIGHT mother of Irene 5/8/1954 68 also Fred 20/11/1970 81
WULFE Reverend J.C.WULFE 33 years rector of Illogan parish died 1/2/1884 aged 87 also he was a captain in the Royal Artillery his wife Mary Ann died 10/10/1884 aged 89
WYTEH William WYTEH no dates
YANDELL Fredrick YANDELL 28/12/1958 aged 90
YELLAND Walter YELLAND husband of Ellen MARTIN 2/2/1945 75 also Ellen MARTIN 28/12/1952 86??
YEO Beatrice Maud YEO 30/3/1972 68 her sister Amy 8/1/1979 83
YEO Florence May YEO 13/8/1920 aged 19